Session 2019-20
Dr. Jogesh | Programme Officer |
Orientation Programme for first year Volunteers of NSS was organized on 8th August 2019. Volunteers were made aware of the activities to be undertaken throughout the year.

Dr. Jogesh
Programme Officer

“Swachhta Hi Sewa” campaign was carried out from 01.09.2019 to 02.10.2019. Waste Disposal, Awareness rally and Oath ceremony were held.

A Poster making and Slogan writing competition highlighting “पोषण अभियान ” was organized on 6th September 2019 and a Quiz competition was organized on 11th September, 2019.

A lecture on “Water Conservation” was organised on 30th September, 2019. Smt. Anjali Gupta was the key speaker.

19.10.2019 to 23.10.2019: फसल अवशेष प्रबंधन पर जागरूकता अभियान चलाया गया जिसमें वृक्षारोपण, रैली एवं व्याख्यान का आयोजन किया गया।

On the Golden Jubilee of NSS, seven days camp was organised from 23rd December, 2019 to 29th December, 2019.

On January 26, 2020 71st Republic Day was celebrated in the college premises. Dr. Ajay Kumar Garg, Principal hosted the National flag in the college courtyard and addressed the students.

On 10 February, 2020 National Worm Liberation Day was celebrated in the college. Dr. Jogesh (Convener of N.S.S.) aware the students about the worms present in our body and what are the causes .